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Exclusive Services

This document outlines Safehouse Studios' policy regarding the use of content produced and/or shot by Safehouse Studios. The policy ensures that all content is used appropriately, respecting the rights of our clients while allowing Safehouse Studios to showcase its work.

Ownership and Rights to Use Content

1.1. Safehouse Studios retains the exclusive rights to use any and all content produced and/or shot by Safehouse Studios ("Content") in its portfolio. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of Content on Safehouse Studios' website, social media platforms, marketing materials, and any other promotional channels.

1.2. Safehouse Studios may display, distribute, and publish the Content for the purposes of showcasing its work, demonstrating its capabilities, and marketing its services. Safehouse Studios does not require further consent or approval from the client for such uses.


Exclusivity and Non-Resale

2.1. Safehouse Studios will not resell, reuse, or redistribute the Content to any third parties or clients other than the original client for whom the Content was produced.

2.2. Safehouse Studios affirms that each project is unique to the client and that the Content will not be repurposed or repackaged for use in other projects without the express written consent of the original client.


Client Use of Content

3.1. The client retains the rights to use the Content for its own purposes, including marketing, advertising, and internal communications, as agreed upon in the project contract.

3.2. Any further distribution or commercial use of the Content by the client must be in accordance with the terms agreed upon in the project contract and any applicable licensing agreements.


Term and Termination

4.1. This policy remains in effect for the duration of the relationship between Safehouse Studios and the client concerning the specific project(s) for which the Content was produced.

4.2. Either party may terminate their involvement upon written notice to the other party, provided that such termination does not affect the rights and obligations regarding any Content produced prior to the termination date.


General Provisions

5.1. This policy constitutes the entire understanding between Safehouse Studios and the client regarding the use of the Content and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, and understandings.

5.2. Any modifications to this policy must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

5.3. This policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

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Producing High-End Videos for Healthcare and Industrial Industries

For any questions or clarifications regarding this policy, please contact Safehouse Studios at

336-854-6046 or

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